
Saturday, 18 January 2014

The struggle in finishing

Hey guys! Thanks for reading. You can follow the blog by clicking on the button by the top right corner.. okay lets talk about finishing a project and i will appreciate your comments :)

“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up” ~ Dean Karnazes.

I have been working on a project for a while now and finishing is just another cup of tea. Upon embarking on the project, I was a bit scared because I wasn’t sure I had the resilience to stick through till the end. I’m afraid my initial fears are coming to life now. When I started, it was good. The motivation, determination, optimism and so on kept me going although, I have to admit laziness and procrastination held me back a bit but, at least I didn’t stop completely *looks around mischievously*. Now due to laziness, procrastination and lack of motivation, I have stopped…completely (L.M.A.O.). The resilience didn’t stick through…

As you might have guessed, I want to talk about the pain it takes to finish something. I hear the saying ; “starting is not as important as finishing” quite a lot. True saying I must agree. It takes courage and strength to even start in the first place. Starting is hard; it requires focus and determination. Once you start though, the middle just seems to flow in perfectly well, then get to finishing…where your head starts pounding, where you question yourself and a lot of things, where you think you are not strong enough to finish and like me, where you stop before ending. People say nobody remembers the person that started well but didn’t stick through to the end. They remember the one that started and finished, even if the person didn’t finish well. At least he finished. But, obviously I would want you to start well and finish well
So I’m going to take my own advice. I have stopped but it’s not the end until I see it through to the end. I’m tired for now but I will look for that source of motivation again and draw my strength from it to continue. Like runners, the race might look so long and their endurance slowly wears out, but they stick through to the end anyway because they know a reward is awaiting them at the finish line. When you feel like giving up on the goal or dream or project, let your focal point be that reward at the end. You can stop and rest for a while because, you will get tired. When you do, rest a bit and then pick up from where you left. No matter what you do, don’t give up before you reach the finish line. It might seem long but it really isn’t when you are doing something to reach the goal. With that said, I might not post for a while. It’s time to get my lazy butt back out resisting the wind that threatens to throw me off shore. Good luck to the guys writing exams…


  1. What an inspiring write-up......This is an encouragement for everyone to develop a stick-to-it-iveness attitude towards every project. Good work Scott. kip it up!

  2. What a great motivation to remain dogged, resilient and determined in the pursuit of a course in life. Indeed there are so many good starters but only few end well and strong. It is not an easy task to start up a race but yet, its easier to start than to finish. It takes grace to win an ace in the race of life. I pray for more grace for us to finish strong in all our pursuits and life assignments in life...keep it up brova!

  3. Amen! Its hard not to want to quit but its not impossible to be strong to finish. Thank you :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Awww! Thanks Mr Richard.. Lol! Mr. Sounds so formal

  6. It's hard to do but not impossible

  7. You are so right! Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it. Thank you for stopping by :)

  8. Oh yessss. This rings a bell.Consider, if you will, how I deal with all the stuff (project) at hand.
    One. Day. At. A. Time.
    Just get through today, heck! Get through right NOW. That's just me :) Nice one sir Mayowa.

  9. Oh oh.
    I have a friend named Mayowa and he is a guy. So I assumed. My heart stopped (literally) when I just realized you were "a she." Make that Madame Mayowa. *covers face*
    I like your blog... Thanks for your comment on mine that led me here.

  10. Lol! I was just about to correct you. No p, the name is not gender specific. Thank you... I like your blog as well especially "my failed life". Its amazing! Sent the link to my friend and you became one of her role-models. Thank you for stopping by..


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