
Tuesday 24 June 2014

Entry 8... Hey Stranger!

Hello guys!!! firstly, I want to apologise for my unannounced absence. To the beautiful people that have tried to call me, message me and the likes, i will get back to you soon. I hope to be a more consistent blogger. Actually, I plan on being one.

This is the last of the series (i dont want you to know that.., i want you to know that...) and I'm so sorry. I know I have dragged it on for too long and that's due to lack of proper planning. I promise to do better next time as there will soon be something similar.

With that said, this last one is definitely one of my favourites and it was written by someone that has such a heart, a very good one. A friend indeed and an intelligent being with a mind that will blow your own mind.  I can really relate with this entry and I know you will too. So please, don't be the only one to laugh and learn from it. Share it too and let's help spread the message of self love and acceptance.

Have an amazing week and do watch this space.
Hey you! … Yes you… Stranger –From –Across –The –Room,​​
re so pretty. You look really cool in that I –Don’t –Try –Yet –I –Look –Flawless kind of way.​​

As I sit across the room from you, I wonder if you notice me trying to look cool and all. Hopefully I’m coming off as sophisticated. Hope I’m not coming off as stiff? Or worse yet a snob? Or do I simply look cold?​​

Can you feel all the sexiness I’m oozing out? Lol! A girl can try right? I was trying to go for that hot, laid back look but I think I kind of missed that and just went straight for the hobo look. I don’t want you to notice how unsure of my outfit I am.​​

really quiet in here as we wait to be seen to. I don’t know what to do with myself and once again I hope you don’t notice. Can you tell I care a little too much about how I'm perceived by people? I look at you and think to myself “We could be friends if we actually spoke to each other.” Maybe even good friend’s but I have to warn you that I doubt I will ever completely open up to you because there are some things I won’t want you to know.​​

I DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW that the nonchalant front I put up is just a cover for how scared I am. I don’t want you to know that a lot of things scare me and make me worry. If we become friends, at some point you’ll ask how I’m so carefree about things that make you worry and should probably make me worry as well. And I’ll most likely reply you in a funny way about how I try not to think about it. We’ll laugh about it and another topic will come up. I once heard a quote, “You can live with anything as long as you don’t think too hard too hard about it” and thats what I probably what I do. When reality catches up to me, and it always hits me hard, I break down and cry to God and look for comfort and a solution from Him.​​

I don’t want you to know that I’m a whiner that I complain a lot
. I whine to God, to my mum, to my sister. I don’t want you to know of the mini breakdowns I’ve had in the privacy of my room or in the company of my family. And not because I want to give you the illusion that I’m always strong, it’s because my complaints and mini breakdowns have been about stupid, silly and trivial things. I’ve had several mini breakdowns about my boobs being too big and my mum being so mean to have passed it down to me. I’ve had ones about my big feet, my small ass, being too tall, not finding dresses that look good on me or jeans that fit properly. I don’t want you to know that I had a hard time accepting that this is the body God wanted me to have. I still send prayers for a change here,a tweak there and definitely some growth over back there.​​

I don’t want you to know how I have issues with being good enough to be loved. How I always feel like I have to be more, do more, have more, get more or ju
st be different, special. My parents are great and I don’t blame them completely but they probably damaged me in a way (Like all parents do) that made me feel unworthy of unconditional love, like I had to work for their love, which always made me desperately want to be special. For a very long time I didn’t understand the concept of unconditional love. I look at my friends and so many times I feel I’m unworthy of their friendship and love.​​

Talking about love, I don’t want you to know that I’m scared that I don’t know how to love and that’s why I don’t really say the words “I love you” a lot, because I’m not sure I know what love looks or feels like to be given. I’m scared I don’t even know how to be a good friend anymore and I so desperately want to
be one. I have such amazing friends already but I’m scared that as I can’t seem to make new ones or be a consistent good friend, I might lose them. I’m also scared that I can’t accept love except it’s on my terms. I don’t know how to and I’m not sure I want to let anyone completely in, the way that they’ll know all about me, that I’ll be completely vulnerable with them. I’m scared of what happens if they see the whole me and they don’t like what they see and then turn and walk out on me.I must tell you I hurt very deeply and I’m not very fond of pain. So I choose how much to let anybody in and what side of me they get to see. Like Shrek said “I’m like an onion… I have many layers.”​​

I don't want you to know that my fear of intimacy runs deeper than I care to admit. When I think a relationship (friendship) is getting out of my control, like I can consciously feel/see it going places I'm not comfortable with, I start to withdraw. And I don't mean uncomfortable like anything dirty, it could mean something as simple as a person asking too many questions about something I don't want to talk about and they thinking it's okay for them to ask because of our friendship. Me realizing they know far too much about me than I like or the worse when they say "I know you" and I actually see that it might be true. You know when some people say it and you just smile ‘cause you know it's not true. When I can no longer give a placating smile and I don't think the person is the kind of person I want "knowing" me, then I turn and run for the hills or I gradually withdraw. It also happens when I reach a new level of intimacy with my close ones. Even with God, whenever something relatively big happens in our relationship, I kind of withdraw until the moment passes. And that saddens me deeply.  

I don't want you to know how I badly regret my last relationship because of the why. I regret ever entering into it. Because I regret going so far with him physically especially ‘cause I didn't even really like him. I can honestly say it was mostly boredom and lust. If you had met me a few weeks before the relationship you would have heard me talking about purity and all that. I don't completely feel like a hypocrite cause I didn't shove it down anyone's throat but nonetheless I feel really rotten. Okay so technically I am still a virgin but with all stuff I did, I just don't feel like one. But then it's much more than that, and we also seem to be ignorant of the effect it has on the other person. I played with his heart and led him on and it was really hard for him to let go of the relationship even though it had just being for a short time. Although I was slightly bewildered at how hard it was for him, I felt guilty and sad about the hurt I brought him.  "Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. (Song of Solomon 2:7 NIV)" That verse is repeated a lot in The Songs of Solomon and do not awaken love or lust because it not only affects you but your partner. I think lust made my brain fuzzy because I just never remembered that verse during the relationship or maybe it was that selective memory thing.

I'm not sure if this falls into stuff I don't want you to know about or if I don't mind you knowing. Well I guess it depends on the kind of friendship we have. I think I might have a narcissistic side, which mostly worries me for obvious reasons but also amuses me cause it kind of contradicts my insecurities. For the longest time I use to wonder why everyone didn't reason like me! This world would never be boring and it would save us from so many wars (I would simply starve out those who cross me :) ) and other problems. If I ever met someone exactly like me I would probably in awe/love struck for life... You know (will get to know) cause I'm like so awesome.

I want you to know that I’m very silly and laid back, borderline lazy and that I have rotten luck which I think is totally unfair, and for that reason I choose not to believe in luck but favour. I don’t mind you knowing that I’m equal measures deep and superficial. I find myself very fascinating and amusing. I will always, well most of the time, have an opinion on whatever we talk about. Plus I enjoy debates. So it's hardly ever boring unless I'm not talking, lol which rarely happens.

I want you to know that I used to be scared of rejection. I would rather not try than fail. I mean if I didn't try I would always have the comfort of well if I had tried who knows how much better this would have been. I always liked the comfort of knowing that since I didn't give it my all then the result I got was not a true testament of my ability. I think there was also a part of me that was scared about if I did give it my all and still failed at it, scared of what that would mean. Well I want you to know that I've grown! I've changed or I'm changing and I'm happy because life is just too short to have any of those regrets disguised as comforts. Especially now, that everyone seems to be dropping dead like flies.

I want you to know that I love being around happy people, people who make me laugh a lot. You know the kind, that if you're with them you know you will be doubled over, clutching your tummy, cause it will be hurting from too much laughter! The kind that the slightest thing, a word, a picture, reminds you guys of a funny memory or even just a glance. I also love being around people who stimulate my mind. That you can have deep meaningful conversations with. Not the kind of depth that claims to be philosophical and you don't even understand what you're talking about. Lol That kind is so overrated. So when I find someone who can do all, “Please marry me!” I kid. You have to be hot.

I don't mind you knowing that I questioned my sexuality at a point in my life. Lol no need for that face! Don't worry I'm sure I like boys! I didn't question it cause of an attraction to girls. I love to talk. And I love when Someone can keep up a sarcastic witty banter with me.  And when someone keeps me constantly laughing. Only a few guys (2/3) have ever given me that. And with a lot of girls there is just an endless supply of it. Always one inside joke or an unending conversation. Maybe it's just my luck that I haven't met a lot of cool guys. Or maybe if I gave them a chance and really got comfortable with them. Or maybe it's the age group. I don't know. All I know is I just generally connected better with girls and felt comfortable with them. So…it made me wonder.

I want you to know that you’ll always get honesty from me, not the blunt rude kind but when you ask for my opinion, you’ll get the h
onest truth as I know it to be. I’ll always encourage you and be there to the best of my ability. I must warn you, I’m an extremist in most of the things I do. Most of the time I’m either black or white, I’m either there or not, in or out. Hardly, but not never, in-between.​​ You mostly either get all or nothing of me.
I want you to know that I hardly ever, if never, say things that I don't mean. I will never give a proper apology if I don't mean it, if it's not sincere. I try my best to keep my serious promises. I don't like to give my words or say stuff I don't mean. Some may call it pride, especially about the apology, but I call it integrity. And I also don't like saying sorry too much because then it cheapens the worth of my sorry.

I want you to know that
I might not be completely comfortable with my body but I’m getting there and He is helping me. And that I’m daily learning of His unconditional love for me and how it is unending and it never fails. I also hope you can tell that my relationship with God means a whole lot to me.

Oh I think you’re about to say something to me….
 So that's my heart poured out on how I see myself. Everyone has their own opinions of themselves and while they think it's honest, most of the time it's much worse than the actual fact or sometimes it's the photoshopped version, 'cause we can't leave out those that live in denial. All I'm basically saying is, accept yourself for who you are, with the flaws and character imperfections. Learn to be comfortable with every part of who you are, the parts that are embarrassing, the parts that are changing and the parts that you are proud of.

"You're always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company."
Diane Von Furstenberg
"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself."
Mark Twain
"You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful."
Amy Bloom


  1. Mato!!
    This is the first one stories I've read but I have to say I enjoyed it tres muchos, I feel like I can relate to you when you talk about keeping up with friendships and being vulnerable to new people.
    Me love it and don't slack on the writing!!
    Btw its Dafe xx

  2. Awww, welcome back dear.
    And I sooo concur, we may be imperfect, we maybe flawed but we are who we are, still loved by a God who calls us perfect.
    Whether we were controlled by lust at a time, as soon as we drop it all, our perfect God still waits for us and calls us pure.
    We are perfect in God's sight, we should see ourselves as perfect in our sight too,not in ourselves but thru God.

  3. DAFE!!!!! I knew it was you when I saw fejy.

    It wasn't me that wrote it o. You no read wetin I write for top to indicate that it was written by someone else? ! The writer was right and just been honest. Like you, I suck when it comes to keeping friendship. I even think you are better than me when it comes to staying in touch. Between, did you see the message I sent to you on skype? Incase you didn't, happy birthday in arrears baby. I hope you have the best year a yet.

    I wont slack on writing and madam, you should start checking this blog more often.

    Gracias amigo😚

  4. Frances! Thank you. You are very right. We have a GOD that is still willing to accept us even in our filthy rags. We will all fall short of perfection but the important thing is to make sure we go back to GOd and ask for forgiveness and also try to consciously walk in his light.

    Thank you for stopping by hon😊


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