
Monday 7 July 2014

what time can do

Hello beautiful people. How is your day going? It's raining heavily here and its kind of making me feel dull. I wrote what you are about to read with a heavy heart because those precious souls are not talked about anymore and we need to keep talking until they return. so please, read this with the pictures of those precious souls in your mind and please share. let's help the world keep talking about them. Have a beautiful week and I hope you say a word or more of prayers to God on behalf of those children this week.

It seems like we no longer care.
We have stopped matching and campaigning.
We have stopped holding signs that show #bringbackourgirls
We have stopped putting the hash tag on our twitter pages.
We have reduced the way we write and talk about it
It seems we are no longer putting pressure on the government to bring back our precious souls
We have reduced/stopped gathering together to pray for the safe return of our girls.

World cup has taken over.
Our support for Nigeria took over until they sent us home
But we quickly found another country to support
We have stopped showing support and can you blame us?
It’s what time does.
Time makes the pain reduce
We move on because time is not really on our side and we have to keep playing the game life occupies us with
But does time mean anything to the relatives of those precious souls?
Does time lessen the pain they feel everyday?
Afterall, what true parent (abiamo toto) can sleep when the child is not sleeping,
Not to talk of when they don’t know the whereabout of their child

Time also did something.
While waiting for a time to come when they will be re-united with their daughters,
Some parents have been sent to their early grave.
Time has made us stop drawing the attention of the world to the evil perpetrated by Boko Haram
Afterall, the story is even looking shady.
We are asking questions that threaten the validity of the report of the missing girls
But has time stopped Boko Haram?
Will time stop them?

Time will only stop them if we don’t allow it stop us.
If we don’t allow it make us forget those girls need us.
Our future lies in the wellbeing of this country.
Even if we run to another country, home is still home.
And our home is being threatened.
Our future appears bleak and with each passing day, bleak it shall continue to be until we do something.
Until we stop getting tired because we are not seeing results.
Until we remain dogged and keep working until our change comes.
Live your life
Be happy afterall this life is all you’ve got.
Move on but please don’t forget.

While partying, while laughing with friends and loved ones.
Remember! Please remember.
Remember the precious souls whose whereabout we can’t verify.
The precious souls whose futures hang in the balance.
Remember the relatives of the victims of Boko Haram who for now, don’t know how to move on.
It’s not happening at your side now doesn’t mean it might not happen at your side.
Only time will tell that.

But, don’t let time dictate to you
Right now! This very minute; take advantage of time and pray.
Take advantage of time and put back those hash tags
Take advantage of time and appeal to the government through your writing, songs, art, actions,
To please do something because all our lives hang in the balance.
Government, please take advantage of time and devise effective plans and work towards stopping the complete death of Nigeria
Because Nigeria is already dying.
Her people are living in fear.
A lot of her people are living on less than a dollar a day though she is a rich nation.
Her government is more interested in politicking.
Her government is actually against the people instead of being for the people.
Time will reduce the pain we feel now in later years.
That’s only if we take advantage of the time now and stop more havoc from being done in later years.

A big shout out to Nifemi Aina a.k.a Bomy. a. k.a idi. a.k.a Chinese babe. Yayyy! she might finally start having small sense. Happy birthday sweetheart. from all of us at Mateyscott blog and yes all of us is me, myself and I but that will soon change.
Omo kekere ana. Bomy right, Mayowa left.
she is now doing shakara. Don't forget I know you well madam.


Please share what you think about the article/story you just read. Slante!