
Sunday 16 March 2014

what is this life really about?

“you’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like there is nobody listening, and live like its heaven on earth.” ~William W. Purkey

I was conversing with Toyole, who has a beautiful mind by the way (I know I have told you before but, I’m declaring my love for your mind publicly). We kind of talked about the uncertainties that surrounds life and how God takes us all in different directions with the same aim of making us be like Jesus (product from her beautiful mind). It led me to share some personal uncertainties with her and I will do the same with you. Hopefully the post won’t be long *fingers crossed*
A lot of people save those close to me don’t know about my struggle between law and psychology. Law was a childhood dream, strayed (did sciences in secondary school), then I went back to law. At least that’s what I thought until I started studying psychology and I fell in love with it. The battle began; WHAT DO I REALLY WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE? I prayed for God to give me a sign; a sign that will lead me to where he wants me to go undoubtedly. I think he sent a sign or signs and I was too caught up in whatever to notice. I still ask myself, ‘IS LAW REALLY IT?’ ‘ARE YOU GOING TO BE HAPPY IN THE LONG RUN OR ARE YOU GOING TO LOOK BACK AND HAVE BITTER REGRETS OF ‘WHAT IF?’’.

I decided to participate in the 2014 TNC (the naked convos. It’s an amazing blog) writing competition and although I wasn’t serious about it, I just wanted to do it for the fun of it. So I wrote a story and submitted it as my entry. Mind you, I didn’t put as much effort in the story but, I was confident I was going to be picked. I mean I’m a brilliant writer or not? (Emmanuel keep your opinions to yourself *rme*). My confidence was quite silly though. Three weeks later and my name was not in the top 12 finalists. I laughed but, also felt a bit bad. I was certain I was going to be picked though millions sent in their entries. ‘AM I REALLY TALENTED?’ ‘SHOULD I EVEN BE WRITING?’. Those were among the questions I asked Toy or perhaps I thought I asked her. She replied me by saying, “Rejection is something you should always expect especially if you’re gonna be putting yourself out there. Just because, they failed to see the beauty of your work and the value in it doesn’t mean it’s any less beautiful nor does it lessen the value and gravity of your writing.” (See her mind is beautiful right?! Never mind that she was washing me). I felt better but still had to ask what I am certain of.

One of the most important people in my life is Itoro and our relationship is perhaps one of the most certainties I had but, I have been forced to change that recently. ‘What happened?’ ‘What went wrong?’ >>>>>> UNCERTAINTIES.

Since the past year, I have been forced to recognize the many uncertainties that surrounds life. Toy said, ‘if she had her way, she would want God to tell her of her every day so she can be really certain of it.’ Wouldn’t we all but, like we both concluded, if we are sure of everything, what fun will be there in living, discovering and learning? Would we still see a need for a higher being?

Okay, I’m not even sure I’m making sense right now. I’m allowed not to make sense right? The lessons I learnt from conversing with Toyole are that, we are going to be uncertain about so many things. I mean we can be talking this minute and it feels like nothing can go wrong and the next minute, something you might not even be able to point your finger at has gone wrong (okay I sound like a broken record with that statement. See what you are doing to me Itoro #sigh). Uncertainties are however needed for us to grow, trust ourselves more and trust God the most. ‘WHAT IS LIFE REALLY ABOUT?’ … I don’t know but, I do know we learn along the way. I guess we just have to live our lives no matter what; fight for what we believe in and live in a way that blesses others. We have to learn to trust God has us even when we can’t understand it. LIFE IS BASICALLY WHAT WE MAKE OF IT AND THIS DOES NOT MEAN WE WONT HAVE OUR SHARES OF WINNINGS AND LOSES BUT, WE STILL HAVE TO ENJOY LIFE RIGHT?

PS : I don’t understand why people use ‘YOLO’ as an excuse to live potentially harmful lives or maybe I’m just the one that thinks my life is too important to risk it stupidly.

Have a nice week people and a new series (not sure if I can call it that) will be introduced soon. Leave your comments and let’s know what you think ‘LIFE IS ABOUT’ will you?

1 comment:

  1. ���� Lovette! I'm so flattered!

    I'm currently reading a book/devotional "The Purpose Driven Life" and I'm on this chapter that talks on what life is from God's view. It says Life is a test, a trust and a temporary assignment.
    A test because we face challenges and go through trials to develop our characters.
    A trust because we own nothing but God has entrusted us with the life we have, with our talents, relationships, abilities and so on.
    A temporary assignment because God has planted eternity in our hearts and compared to eternity life is so transient and temporary.

    For me, life is about glorifying God (lol I try) and living it to the fullest!


Please share what you think about the article/story you just read. Slante!